Thursday, May 14, 2009

My first post...

This is the beginning of my writing about me, I've never done this before, so forgive me if I tend to babble; I do that in real life too, you should see me talking to my friends, yikes!! We can keep five different convesations going at once, confuses my husband to death, lol.

Anyways, this blog is going to be about me and my everyday struggles and the struggles of my past that still haunt me. I've been on this whole weightloss kick for a long time but have always had a hard time trying to lose weight and keep it off, I'm sure many of you out there have the same troubles. Losing weight is hard and I think that each and every one of us trying needs support! I think supportive friends and family is the key to losing and keeping the weight off.

Let me tell you a little about me, I'm a 29 year old female, I've been married slightly over a year and a half to my wonderful husband Trey,we have two dogs, Odie and Homer, and two cats, Gaby and Hermes. We both have a soft spot for animals. I've been a big girl all my life and have always hidden behind that fact; thinking I could not do lots of things because of my weight, I was always that fat kid in school that everyone picked on, however, with me being as social as I am (having never met a stranger) I had lots of friends and lots of friends to 'defend' me against those mean kids, that always felt good, knowing that I had people who cared, although, little did they know that when I went home everyday I would get a huge snack and fight off the tears remembering what those mean kids had said and called me. I always wanted to be that popular, pretty, peppy, skinny girl who all the boys loved and wanted to go out with, but I was never that, instead I was the one who went to some school dances and was a 'wall flower' and watched other people dance and have a good time, again going home and fighting off the tears of humiliation of not being asked to dance even once. I look back on that and even now, I can still feel that pain, lots of people still comment on the fat girl in the store; People are rude and some are just downright mean, I think the ones who are that mean are just so unhappy with themselves that they always have to say something mean about another person to try and relive their highschool days, in truth, they are no happier with their own lives then anyone else.
Enough about that for now, let me tell you a llittle more about me then I will be done for today. As I've already said, I'm a big woman, and I accept that, but I'm changing my life, in the past 4 weeks, I've lost 25 pounds by working hard at it, I work out at the local gym 3-5 times a week and I'm learning to change my eating habits, but I have to say that the biggest reason I've lost so much is because of the support of my family and some very dear friends. I think all people who want to lose weight need to start with getting support and knowing that you didn't put on the weight overnight and its not going to come off overnight, you have to work at it and you will lose some weeks and gain on others, just don't give up!! Listen to friends when they tell you its okay that you ate that big piece of cake, just do it in moderation.

Tomorrow I'll talk about my applying for The Biggest Loser and what a let down it ws to not get a call back.


  1. I know what it's like to be teased. It's a hurt you can carry around for life. I think you are amazing and very inspirational. You go girl!!!! Love you!!!!

  2. Julia,

    as a forebear to your posting regarding The Biggest Loser, I can reveal as fact that this TV show is as shallow as the people who have teased you throughout your life.

    I know this because I know someone who appeared on the Australian version of the show.

    You may recall me saying in passing that I was courting her, this woman is stunning, every inch the runway model, she just also happens to be carrying a few pounds.

    I still have the biggest crush on her, but unfortunately she wouldn't accept my propositions as she felt the 12-year age gap was too great.

    Anyway, we spoke about her time on The Biggest Loser, and she told me that during the audition process, she just made up a whole heap of shit to the producers, none of which was true, and she ended up getting picked for the show.

    Now I do not watch the show, nor have I ever, but since meeting Samantha, I began to research her time on the show in 2007. Well it occurred to me how attractive all the contestants on the show were, every single one of them. Okay, so obviously they were all overweight, but still they had very attractive faces and you could see that the TV channel could make bucketloads from media appearances once these people lost the weight and turned into "swans".

    I broached this topic with Samantha and she confirmed it, she told me it's all based around appearance, and basically, it doesn't matter what story you have to tell, the producers basically take one look at you and if you fit the beauty bill, you'll get in, simple as that.

    You should be happy you didn't get on this show, because whilst you would have lost weight, it would have been in an unnatural environment that in no way relates to your everyday life. Once the show ended, you would have been left to fend for yourself, you wouldn't have had pre-prepared meals and you wouldn't have had 6 hours a day to devote to fitness. I've seen this with Samantha, who has been and is still dedicated to losing weight, but has gained some weight since her time on the show.

    The only Biggest Loser is this show and the values it stands for. Lose weight the healthy way Julia, you don't need some TV show with some masculine-looking woman trainer to whip yourself into shape.

  3. Hey Julie, I so happy for you that you have the courage to say what is on your mind. Even thought we have never met, just by talking to you on facebook, the phone when we are not too busy I can see that is you put your mind to something, you will do it. I know Trey is there to support you in all the ways you need it.
    I am one of the skinny girls in high school, but I was also just like you in the fact that if I went to a dance at school I was off by myself watching the others because I was not popluar, in style. I was the shy one that did not talk to anyone. I did not follow the crowd at all. I think the only things I did in high school was go to the football games because I had to, and my Senior Prom for like 5 mins.
    But enough about me and my babbling. I am hear if you need to talk. Keep up the good work and always smile. I know there will be some tough days and some days that you just don't want to workout, if I was there with you I would go to the gym or moral support now, then after July I would workout with you.
    Talk to you later,

  4. Thanks for the comment Kelley! Love you too!!
    Anthony-(anonymous, lol, I knew it was you)thanks for posting for me, I realize a lot of that about TBL, I'll touch more on that later when I make my post about it.
    Hi Haley! Thanks for reading and posting for me :) I do realize that not all the skinny girls in highschool were popular, a lot of those unpopular girls were some of my very best friends. Some of whom I still keep in contact with til this day! Thats why I think as cousins, we'll get along just great!! Trey has told me nothing but good things about you all there in Texas and I can't wait to meet you in person!
    Thanks for supporting me! I can use all the support I can get! I do realize that some weeks will be better then others, but the support of my friends and family is what will keep me going strong.
