Friday, May 15, 2009


I think we all have our demons hidden inside of us and the reasons we like to eat, many factors contribute, such as, stress, anger, sadness, loneliness and boredom' those are just to name a few. I know there are many more reasons out there and that we all have our reasons why we got the way we were are.

I DID this to myself, whether I want to admit it or not, I've come to realize that I started gaining weight when I was fairly young, I would sneak extra snacks after school and sneak in a slice of bread or some cheese or something between meals, I think a lot of it had to do with how mean kids in school were, but I can't lay the blame fully on them, I was somewhat of an outcast, there weren't a whole lot of kids with single parents back when I was in elementary school and I was one of the few, I grew up without my father because he was shot and killed during a robbery incident at his brothers house, so since the age of 5 1/2, it was just mom and me, and I survived, sometimes not very well, but here I am today telling my story to you day after day.

In me revealing my story to you, the reader, you will get to know my ins and outs and some of my quirks and my annoyances, but above all, I want you to follow my weight loss, this journey of self discovery I'm on, and to possibly be inspired to start your own journey...I know there are so many people out there, both big and small who want to better their lives in one way or another, I happened to choose my health, but I welcome anyone to tell me what they would like to improve upon. I would love to help in any way possible, help find resources or just be a kind listening ear. Just remember that I'm new to this too and we can go through these journeys together or you can just watch and follow mine, wishing me luck every now and then.

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