Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hmmmm, okay then.

For the past two days, I haven't made it to the gym, BUT, I've been good and have worked out at home! I realize that we don't always have time to make it to the gym, so just improvise. I have one of those big blow up balls, you know the ones they have at the gym, well anyways, you can do a lot with that one ball and a resistance rope. I mean, man, you can really get your heart rate up and get all sweaty and gross, lol. But even the grossness is all worth it if you lose a pound or anything, lol.
With working out being talked about a lot on my blog, I wanna make sure and tell everyone to stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water! carry some with you at all times, and if possible, drink water when you go out for a meal. Next time I write I'm going to write about ways I've changed my eating habits and stuff :) I probably won't be around for the next two days tho because I have to work and I'm usually too tired to do anything after, lol. So enjoy your Friday and Saturday! and stay hydrated!


  1. I haven't belonged to a gym in two years now. I have several DVDs I do at home, I walk A LOT (luckily, it's quite hilly here and there are also some nice parks) and I bought an elliptical. I just started swimming at a local pool a couple times a week, too. There's a lot you can do without a gym. :-) I actually feel like I get a better workout at home.

  2. Hello lifeissweet16,

    I recently bought a DVD set from QVC and am waiting to recieve them! I am wanting to do more at home, but i do love the pools at our local gym, they have 3 pools and a hottub...the hottub is like dessert for me after a good workout. I do need to walk more at home, but I do hate getting eaten by the summer bugs and a lot of cars drive very fast down our road and its not always safe. We don't have any hills here, just a slight incline, I love the elliptical and I love riding the bikes at the gym, unfortunately I don't own one of my own, so the gym works best for me now.

    I'm glad you stopped by tho. I will have to come read more of your blog. I enjoyed reading it last week :)

  3. I've read through all your posts. Sounds like you're doing great!

    The DVDs I have are Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (very difficult, but the more you do it, the easier it gets -- and I have seen a huge difference in toning doing that), a Walk Away the Pounds Express, a couple yoga DVDs and Richard Simmons Sweatin' to the Oldies. I love that one! So much fun to do, it's kind of my "treat" for finishing the rest. lol

    I love swimming. I just found a really nice local pool with lap lanes and started swimming regularly again. And we have a lot of parks with trails here, so I walk at the parks and I started roller blading again after years away. I get bored with the same workouts all the time, so I need to shake it up a bit.

    Keep up your great work!

  4. Hello again :)

    I checked out the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and it looks awesome, definately something I will be trying in the very near future. I have a yoga DVD, but I'm not very flexible, as for Richard Simmons, I'm actually waiting on my order from QVC to come with a complete set of his old and new DVDs. I used to love doing his videos.
    I think its great to change things up, if you get set on the same workout, you aren't going to see any improvement once you hit a certain point. I will also have to look into Walk Away the Pounds.
    Sounds like you are doing a great job too! Please keep me informed on how you are doing.

  5. I know they say doing the same thing will eventually backfire, but I mostly walked for almost two straight years and continued to see progress all the way through. I don't know if I'm an anomole (sp?) or if that's just one more weight loss myth that's out there.

    Oh, by the way, my name is Renee.

  6. I thought your name was Renee, but I didn't want to use it and be wrong, lol.

    I think that walking is actually one of those things that you can do contimually and will see progress because you can change the terrain, but I think you walking for 2 years is awesome, I hope that I can say that I stuck to something like that for 2 years!!

  7. Get through the first month. I'll tell you what helped me most was I joined a challenge on the Weight Watchers message boards (sorry tokeep plugging that program, but it is an AMAZING program and it's what I've used. lol). It was called the 30 for 30 Challenge.

    The woman who came up with it was gracious enough to design keychains and magnets for us to buy (cheap) as a "reward" or marker of completing the challenge, and darn it!, I wanted the trinkets at the end.

    The challenge was to do 30 minutes of exercise (or more) every single day for 30 days straight (unless you were sick or something unavoidable came up last minute). If you didn't complete that, you didn't get your trinket and "failed."

    I completed that and the habit was formed. After, she did one where we declared that we would do X number of minutes of exercise a week (no fewer than 210 or an average of 30 a day). We didn't have to work out every day, but we had to complete the minutes every week. I did that one, too.

    Now, because of that, I feel like something is missing from my day if I don't get in a workout. I do skip a day or two every week, but I get in as much as I can on the days I do exercise.

    I suggest trying something like that. Maybe find someone to challenge and both work towardssuch a goal. Once the habit is formed, your body craves it and you just do it because you have to.
